1897, Jan-June 1900
Mayor: Samuel Cruthers
Councillors: John Wootton, R.A. McIntosh, R.McKenzie, Joseph Kerr
Clerk: W.F Ellis
Samuel Cruthers came to Manitou sometime prior to 1888, he purchased the former Manitou Dominion Land Office when the business moved to Morden and opened a private bank which was the area’s first banking establishment of any kind. After several months he relocated to the other side of the street. Mr. Cruthers sold his private bank to the Bank of Hamilton in 1898 and became manager of the new Union Bank of Canada which opened that year. In 1901, he built a house and bank on this site which is now the location of Sam’s Foods at 338 Main Street.
Samuel came to Manitou from Ontario with his wife, Mary Elizabeth Webster. While in Manitou they had four children: William Maurice born March 16, 1889,
Robert Horace born November 21, 1890, Elizabeth Marjory born March 21, 1893, and Marion Louise. His son Robert only survived a month and died December 22, 1890 and his wife passed away in December of 1899. In 1901 Samuel married his former sister in law Esther Webster. In 1906 the couple left Manitou and moved to Oakville, Ontario where Samuel became a "gentleman farmer"
Mr. Cruthers was active in the establishment of the village and was a charter member of the Manitou Curling Club.
Mayor: Richard "Dick" McKenzie
Councillors (1898): John Wootton, R.A. McIntosh, George Winran, R. Magee
Councillors (1899): John Wootton, George Ullyott, Charles Gordon, Charles McNamara
Clerk: W.F. Ellis
Born at Langside, Ontario, son of John McKenzie who immigrated to Canada from Scotland in 1851, he worked on his father’s farm until eighteen years of age when he moved to Leamington, Essex County. Here he learned the blacksmithing and carriage business. He came to Winnipeg in 1880 and followed this trade for a time then, in 1882, he went to Rat Portage (now Kenora, Ontario) where he worked in lumber camps forty miles inland from Rat Portage.
In 1883 he went to Medicine Hat, Alberta at the terminus of the CPR then walked from there to Calgary, a distance of 180 miles. Reaching Calgary, he went with two others to Red Deer, a distance of some 100 miles, driving oxen and Red River carts, taking seven days on the trip. He then returned to Calgary and spent some time in the district and in the foothills. He finally returned to Manitoba n 1884.
Be bought a blacksmith business in Manitoba City but soon moved his business across the tracks to Manitou, the present location of Mueller’s Hardware. He also started selling buggies manufactured by the McLaughlin Carriage Company of Oshawa, Ontario. From doing simple blacksmithing he soon became the local agent and under his expert management, soon grew into magnificently profitable proportions. By the 1890’s he was purchasing buggies and other vehicles from the McLaughlin firm by the box car load. In 1899, he opened a branch of the company at Winnipeg which, in 1907, became the McLaughlin Motor Car Company. He sold the blacksmith shop in Manitou to William Dales in 1902.
In 1915, the business became a unit of General Motors of Canada Limited with McKenzie as its Western Canadian Manager. He retired a few months before his death.
On May 8, 1897, he married Lydia Pauline Hicks. They had three children: Marjorie McKenzie born 1899, wife of David S. Robertson, John Richard McKenzie born 1902, and Mabel Hicks McKenzie born 1909. He was a member of the Motor Country Club.
He died at his Winnipeg home, 125 Maryland Street on March 19, 1931.
(Information taken from "Memorable Manitobans” compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society)
June 1900-1905
Mayor: George Ullyott
Councillors (Prior to June 1900): P. Winram, George Ullyott, Charles Gordon, C. McNamara
Councillors (June 1900): P. Winram, R. McClung, W.H. Sharpe, C. McNamara
Councillor (1901): P. Winram, T.Turnbull, John McGregor, C. McNamara
Councillors (1902-1903): J.A.Hill, T. Turnbull, John McGregor, C. McNamara
Clerk (1900-1904): W.F.Ellis
Councillors (1904 - First Part of 1905): J.A. Hill, Riggs, E.G. Jones, C. McNamara
Councillors (Last Part of 1905): W.H. Sharpe, Mode, E.G Jones, C. McNamara
Clerk (1904-1905): Geo Armstrong

Mayor: Charles McNamara
Councillors: R.W. McClung, Mode, E.G Jones, W.H. Sharpe
Clerk: Geo. Armstrong
Charles McNamara, the last of the old timers of Manitou, who settled here on the surveying of the town, died in March 1940 in Morris Hospital in his 85th year. He was a well-known pioneer businessman of Manitou. After the death of his wife, he resided with his son, Fred, at Morris.
The late Mr. McNamara was born near Brockville, ON and came west as a young man when the CPR was building westward, and worked on its construction for some time prior to following his trade as a harness maker to Morris where he first settled. When the Pembina branch of the CPR came West, opening up this part of the country, Mr. McNamara opened up a harness shop in Manitou which he operated for many years. Later, selling out, he was for several years in the employ of the Manitoba Government as a special constable. He retired from that position at the defeat of the Norris Government, and spent his declining years in his favourite pastime of gardening, of which he was an expert.
Mr. McNamara was for many years a member of the Manitou Council, and served as Mayor of the town. He was an ardent sportsman and was a chartered member of the Dog and Duck Club of Manitou. He never missed an opening shoot since the formation of the Club. As a sot, he was unexcelled for his marksmanship.
Charlie McNamara was in religion a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and a staunch member of the Liberal Party.
Mayor: R. Wesley McClung
Councillors: R.A. McIntosh, Maloney, R.J. Chalmers, W.H. Sharpe
Clerk: Geo. Armstrong
(Information gleaned from In Rhythm With Our Roots, Memorable Manitobans, Manitoba Vital Statistics Database)
Mayor: W.H. Sharpe
Councillors: W.C. Dales, Maloney, R.J Chalmers, R.A. Garrett
Clerk: Geo. Armstrong
Senator William Henry Sharpe was born in Eppsburg, ON April 19, 1868, son of George Sharpe and Mary Ann Simpson; he attended Uxbridge public schools and Belleville Business College in Ontario. In 1889 he travelled to Dauphin district and took up a homestead and later operated an implement business. March 15, 1891 he married Cora Alice Bustin. They had a family of three; George born in 1893, Mary Mabel born in 1896 and Cora Alice born March 23, 1898. His wife Cora passed away during childbirth when daughter Cora was born and baby Cora passed away in 1899.
Senator Sharpe married Ida Armstrong of Manitou on February 14, 1900.
Mr. Sharpe was a general merchant in the community until 1907, as well as president of both R. A. Garrett Co. and Quebec Manitou Mining Co. During those early years, he started his 2600 acre farm which has remained in the family ever since.
W. H. Sharpe, an active Conservative entered politics and was elected to the House of Commons in 1908. Throughout the election campaigns, his son, George, drove him around the country in one of the first cars in the district. In 1916, Mr. Sharpe was named to the Senate. He was the founder of the 184th Battalion in Winnipeg during WWI. Senator W. H. Sharpe passed away in Ottawa, ON, in 1942.
1909 - 1912
Councillors (1909- 1910): W.C. Dales, Maloney, R.J. Chalmers, R.A. Garrett
Councillors (1911 - 1912): W.C Dales, Cram, G.E. Davidson, R.A. Garrett
Clerk: Geo. Armstrong
(Information received from Frazer and Muriel McIntosh)
1913 - 1914
Mayor: William Christie Dales
Councillors (1913-1914): W.J. Pringle, Cram, G.E. Davidson, John Pollock
Clerk: Geo Armstrong
Sometime prior to 1896 William Christie Dales (born 1867 and died March 7, 1938) moved to Manitou from Ontario after hearing from his Aunt Jane that prospects for work were good in the West. His Aunt was right there was work to be found in Manitou. William apprenticed to theblacksmith, R. McKenzie, who was a McLaughlin Carriages representative. He purchased the business from Mr. McKenzie in 1902 and he operated the blacksmith and woodworking shop until 1932 when he sold it to Otto Mueller.
He married Margaret Jane Anderson in June 8, 1893 and they had four children; Rose, Christie Andrew born December 18, 1896, Peter and Walter Ambrose born October 23, 1908.
(Information gleaned from In Rhythm With Our Roots, Manitoba Vital Statistics Database)
Mayor: Gilbert Ernest Davidson
Councillors (1915): W.J. Pringle, Cram, J.A. Hill, Whiteford
Councillors (1916): W.A. Parker, R.J. Chalmers, J.S. Cram, W.J Pringle
Clerk: Geo Armstrong
(Information gleaned from In Rhythm With Our Roots, Manitoba Vital Statistics Database and Memorable Manitobans)
Mayor: Robert Armstrong McIntosh (See Bio Above)
Councillors: J.A.F. Hill, T. Bradley, R.J. Chalmers, J.W. Cumberland
Clerk: Geo Armstrong
1918 - 1919
Mayor: W.F. Ellis
Councillors (1918-1919): J.A. Swanson, T. Bradley, R.J. Chalmers, Chas. T. March
Clerk: Henry Burke
1920 - 1921
Mayor: John Alexander Swanson
Councillors (1920): W.J. Rowe, W.J. Pringle, Dr. I.H. Davidson, G.E. Davidson
Councillors (1921): Norman Clark, W.J. Pringle, W.J. Rowe, G.E. Davidson
Clerk: Henry Burke
John Alexander "Alex” or "Doc” Swanson was born August 13, 1884 to Ben Swanson and Lucy Furnier of Manitou. He grew up on the family farm in the Middleton District where he received much of his education until moving to Manitou to finish up. Alex married Annie Dickson April 20, 1910. Alex studied and practised as a veterinarian in Manitou district until the family moved to Winnipeg in 1937. He joined the Civil Service as a government inspector.
The couple had four children: Wallace born May 30, 1912 who was a pharmacist, Lawrence (Mary) worked for the civil service in the veterinary department in Dauphin, Isabel (Dr. Louis Wettlaufer) obtained a home economics degree and worked in Winnipeg, Neil (Shirley) worked for the CNR in Winnipeg.
(Information from Manitoba Vital Statistics Database and In Rhythm With Our Roots)
1922 - 1923
Mayor: William J. Pringle
Councillors (1922): Norman Clark, J.E. Johnston
Councillors (1923): Geo. Pipe, J.E. Johnston, John Shatford
Clerk: Henry Burke
William J. Pringle was born February 23, 1881 in Hamilton, Ontario. He came to Manitoba at the age of 5 and lived with his family in the Brownlee district. He married Henrietta McRae Nixon of Minto, Manitoba December 25th, 1905 in the R.M. of Whitewater. William was a grain buyer. In 1925 and 1926 he was the caretaker of the Manitou Skating Rink. He once lived in the "Log House” tourism centre. He was a councillor for Manitou before becoming Mayor and lived in the community for 20 years.
The couple had a family of three, Melvin, Lillian and Hazel. The couple moved to Minto in the 1930’s.
He died suddenly, January 6, 1940 in Souris.
1924 - 1927
Mayor: William Christie Dales (See above Bio)
Councillors (1924 - 1925): W.W. Dickson, Geo. Pipe, John Shatford
Councillors (1926): Chas. Hodgson, Geo. Pipe, Thom.D. Nairne, John Shatford
Councillors (1927): Chas Hodgson, R.J.R. Bowler, C.P. Moores, Thom D. Nairne
Clerk: Henry Burke
1928 - 1930
Mayor: Charles Hodgson
Councillors (1928 - 1930): J.H. Bradley, R.J.R. Bowler, C.P. Moores, Thom D. Nairne
Clerk: E. Sanders
Charles Hodgson began his career as a railroader. He enlisted in the army during WWI. While in the army he suffered injury to his eye. He married Margaret Christina "Ena” Dickson January 26, 1921. In March of 1922 Charlie purchased the grocery business from John Edgar. Sometime later he ran a garage in Manitou known as Pembina Motors. He sold the business in 1936 and retired to Chilliwack, BC. Charlie was an avid curler, played hockey and was involved in forming a baseball club in Manitou and was a member of the Canadian Legion. He was an honorary lifetime member of the Manitou Curling Club and later was a member of both Chilliwack and Victoria Senior Curling Clubs.
(Information from Western Canadian)
1931 - 1932
Mayor: Chalmers (Cham) P. Moores
Councillors (1931): W.A. Pommer, Bradley, R.J.R Bowler
Councillors (1932): W.A. Pommer, J. Baldwin, A.L. Edwards, R.J.R Bowler
Clerk: E. Sanders
Chalmers Peter (Cham) Moores was born October 11, 1889, the third son of James and Catherine Moores of Kaleida. He attended school at Kaleida and in 1916 enlisted in the 184th Battalion and served in France with the 107th Battalion. He was wounded at Hill 70, in 1917, and suffered the loss of his right arm.
Cham married Olive Patterson of Kaleida in 1924 and lived at 332 Fuller Avenue in Manitou. They had one daughter that died in infancy. Cham bought the garage in the early 20’s in partnership with Frank McCharles, a first cousin. Before long he bought the McCharles interest and continued to run the Ford garage for 45 years. When asked about his difficulties of only one arm, he answered "the hardest thing was to tie his shoes and to wash his remaining hand.” He was known for his generosity to those down on their luck. Cham passed away in 1972 and Olive in 1984.
(Information from In Rhythm With Our Roots and Manitoba Vital Statistics Database)
1933 - 1947
Mayor: William A. Pommer
Councillors (1933): J. Baldwin, R.B. Smith, A.L. Edwards, W.H. Baker
Councillors (1934): A.L. Edwards, J. Baldwin, R. Follett, Baker
Councillors (1935-1936): A. L. Edwards, J. Baldwin, R. Follett, C. Hodgson
Councillors (1937): A.L. Edwards, J. Baldwin, W. Snyder, R.S. Chalmers
Councillors (1938-1941): F. Giffin, A. Marsh, W. Snyder, R.S. Chalmers
Councillors (1942-1947): F. Giffin, N. Ashley, W. Snyder, R.S. Chalmers
Clerk: E. Sanders
Dr. Wm. Albert Pommer was born May 15, 1895 in the R.M. of Wallace and came to Manitou with his bride Grace in 1921. Dr. Pommer practiced dentistry here for 30 years and was very active in the community. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge NO. 30, President of the Lisgar Liberal Association, and Member of the Parliament for Lisgar, 1953-57. Both were active members of the United Church.
The couple had two daughters; Mary (Mrs. Joseph Armitage) and Helen (Mrs. Frank Maunder).
(Information from In Rhythm With Our Roots and Manitoba Vital Statistics Database)
1948 - 1957
Mayor: Maurice E. Ridley
Councillors (1948-1949): F. Giffin, N. Ashley, W.Snyder, W. Turner
Councillors (1950): C.P. Moores, N. Ashley, W. Snyder, A. March
Councillors (1951): C.P. Moores, N. Ashley, D.L. Cameron, A. March
Councillors (1953): N. Ashley, C.P. Moores, E.L. Johnston, R.B. Smith
Councillors (1954-1955): N. Ashley, B. McDonald, E.L. Johnston, R.B. Smith
Councillors (1956): H.R. Jordan, Cliff Johnston. E.L. Johnston, R.B. Smith
Councillors (1957): H.R. Jordan, Cliff Johnston, E.L. Johnston, W. Bowler
Clerk (1948 - 1950): J.A.F. Hill
Clerk (1951- 1956): G.L. Davidson
Clerk (1957): D.F. Rankine
Maurice E. Ridley was born c. 1912 to John Ridley and Edna Kealey of Manitou. Maurice worked as a drover with his father. He served in the army from 1940-1946. He married Lola McDowell in 1947. He was active with local government until he entered politics. Maurice was a member of the Legislature and was Minister of Municipal Affairs until his untimely death in 1960 at the age of 48.
Maurice and Lola had three children; Jack, Maureen (Mrs. Jim Cobb) and Merle Anne.
(Information from In Rhythm With Our Roots)
Mayor: Norman H. Ashley
Councillors (1958): N.F. Johnston, D.H. Voth, E.L. Johnston, W. Bowler
Councillors (1959): N.F. Johnston, D.H. Voth, E.H. Carswell, W. Bowler
Clerk: D.F. Rankine
Norman and Loveday Ashley made their home in Manitou in 1931. Norman was employed by Charlie Hodgson as a mechanic in the garage known as "Pembina Motors”. He was later in partnership with Jim Ridley and Bob Carswell, and eventually became sole owner and proprietor of Pembina Motors dealing in General Motors vehicles and John Deere farm machinery. During his career he served on the Canadian Dealer Council and Federated Automobile Dealer Association. In 1966-67 Norman replaced the old building on Ellis Street with a new one (currently (2012) Manitou Auto Body). He remained in business until his death in 1968.
Norman was actively interest in Manitou’s progress. He also served on many community projects involved in the growth of Manitou. He was an honorary member of the local Kinsmen Club, member of the Masonic Lodge and served as D.D. G.M. and was also a Shriner. He and Loveday were charter members of the local O.E.S.
(Information from In Rhythm With Our Roots)
1960 - 1961
Mayor: Edward L. Johnston
Councillors: N.F. Johnston, D.H. Voth, E.H. Carswell, W. Bowler
Clerk: D.F. Rankine, G. Comba
Ed arrived in Manitou from Graysville, MB in 1936, to be employed by Reg Follett as butter maker of the Manitou Creamery. That same year Ed won the silver cup at the Toronto Exhibition for the highest scoring butter on exhibition.
In 1939, he married Helen (Nan) Bligh Armson, a teacher from the Stephenfield area, originally from Basswood, MB.
Upon sale of the Manitou Creamery to Canada Packers Ltd., Ed became manager of its operation and expansion to include the first Hatchery and Broiler business in the area.
Ed was one of the six "founding fathers” of the Manitou Broiler and Pig Farms in Manitou. The Broiler business was started in July 1956, with the pig barns following a year or so later. He retired from Canada Packers Ltd. in 1971.
As a member of the community Ed took a very active part in various activities including chairman of the School Board and president of the Kinsmen Club as well as being a member of Town Council. Two of the major projects completed during Ed’s tenure as councilman and mayor were paved streets and waterworks for the village. Ed also installed the heating system for the Christian Education Building.
Ed and Nan had a family of three; Larry (Mildren Ann McGregor); Lynn, and Penny (Mrs. Tom Pearce).
Ed passed away in 1985.
(Information from In Rhythm With Our Roots)
1962 - 1967
Mayor: Norman F. Johnston
Councillors: E.L. Johnston, D.H. Voth, A. Leadbeater, W. Bowler
Clerk: G. Comba
Norman (Pete) Johnston was born in 1912 and married Marion Hamilton in 1938. They couple moved from Mowbray to Manitou in 1953, and bought the Red and White Store, formerly owned by Mr. Goldsmith. They operated the store for 22 years.
Besides being an active council member of Manitou, Pete was a member of the Hospital board, Chamber of Commerce, Director of the Agricultural Society and a 4-H Light Horse Club leader. He was also an avid curler and golfer.
The couple had two daughters; Gloria (Joe Wavrecan), Diana (Duane Compton).
Ed passed away in 1975.
(Information from In Rhythm With Our Roots)
1968 - 1969
Mayor: George L. Henderson
Councillors: D.H. Voth, W. Mueller, A. Leadbeater, W. Bowler
Clerk: G. Comba
George Lindsay Henderson was born March 18, 1916 to John and Annie Henderson of Homewood, MB. In 1916 they moved to Manitou to the T. L. Fargey farm at Binney Siding. George took his schooling in Manitou. After his father’s death and his mother’s remarriage, George farmed on his own. In 1942 he married Agnes Cassels. The couple had four children; Jim, Donna, Lindsay and David. After the death of Agnes, George married Clara Balfour in 1955 and then after her death married Gertie McAuley.
George was active in the Co-op and the Pool elevator. He was chairman for the Chamber of Commerce for many years and MLA for Pembina from 1969 to 1978. He served on the Land Value Appraisal Commission. He also helped with farming and land appraisals. George passed away June 4, 2008.
(Information from In Rhythm With Our Roots, Memorable Manitobans)
1970 - 1972
Mayor: Dave H. Voth
Councillors (1970): W. Mueller, R.E. Christoff, A. Leadbeater, W. Bowler
Councillors (1970): W. Mueller, R.E. Christoff, A. Leadbeater, Max Webber
Clerk: G. Comba, E. Sampson
1972 - 1974
Mayor: Wilfred H. Bowler
Councillors: W. Mueller, R.E. Christoff, A. Leadbeater, Max Webber
Clerk: E. Sampson
Wilfred H. Bowler was born in 1913 the first son of Harry and Margaret Bowler of Kaleida. He married Cassie McPherson in 1928 and they had one son, Donald. Cassie passed away in 1937. In 1942, Wilfred married Isabelle Gellatly of Windygates and they had two more children, Heather (Garry Gardiner) and Harry (Carolyn).
Wilfred and Isabelle farmed in the Kaleida district until 1948 when they sold their farm and moved to Manitou.
Wilfred was active on the RM of Pembina Council and Manitou Council as well as active member of the Manitou community. Wilfred owned and operated the Manitou Auto Transport business from 1951-54. After running this business for a few years, he went to work buying grain for Olgivie Elevators which were later bought out by Manitoba Pool Elevators. He continued to work at this agricultural job until he retired in 1971. Wilfred served on the Pembina Manitou Hospital board for twenty years.
(Information from In Rhythm With Our Roots)
1974 - 1980
Mayor: Cornelius Riediger
Councillors (1974 - 1975): W. Mueller, R.E. Christoff, J. Ferguson, Max Webber
Councillors (1976 - 1979): W. Mueller, R.E. Christoff, J. Ferguson, Pat Martens
Councillors (1980): W. Mueller, R.E. Christoff, J. Ferguson, W.Webber
Clerk: E. Sampson
1981 - Part of 1986
Mayor: George Kozak
Councillors (1981 - 1983): W. Mueller, R.E. Christoff, Don Compton, W. Webber
Councillors (1984 - 1986): W. Mueller, R.E. Christoff, J. Forrest, W.Webber
Clerk: E. Sampson
1987 - 1992
Mayor: Albert E. Hall
Councillors (1987 - 1989) W. Mueller, W. Fehr, J. Forrest, H. Brendle
Councillors (1990): W. Mueller, W. Fehr, G. Stewart, H. Brendle
Councillors (1991 - 1992) W. Mueller, W. Fehr, R. Vodden, N. Scharf
Secretary Treasurer: E. Sampson
Clerk (1987): Jackie Clayton
Part of 1986 , 1993 - 2005
Mayor: Walter Hazlem Mueller
Councillors (1993 - 1995): R. Vodden, N. Scharf, W. Fehr, A. Lovell
Councillors (1996): N. Scharf, J. Goertzen, R. Margetts, A. Lovell
Councillors (1997 - 2005): N. Scharf, J. Goertzen, H. Brendle, S. Vodden
Chief Administrative Officer (1988 - 2001): Jackie Clayton
Chief Administrative Officer (April 2001): Angie Smith
2006 - 2014
Mayor: Jake Goertzen
Councillors (2006 - 2009): N. Scharf, H. Brendle, S. Vodden, G. Shiskoski
Councillors (2010 - 2014): H. Brendle, G. Shiskoski, C. Hunter, H. Hiebert
Chief Administrative Officer (2006 - 2009): Angie Smith
Interim CAO (2009): Marion Grogan
Chief Administrative Officer (2010 - Present): Wes Unrau
Town of Manitou Council Members 2009-2010

Town of Manitou Council Members
2010 - 2014
BACK: Harry Hiebert, Glenn Shiskoski
January 1, 2015 the Town of Manitou amalgamated with the R.M of Pembina to form the Municipality of Pembina.