Prices 2024
DAILY RATES CATEGORY AGE COST Adult 18 + $7.00 Youth5 - 17 $6.00 Child 1 - 4 $4.00 Infant under 1 $2.00 Observer / Senior $3.00 Family** SEE NOTE** $30.00 Evening Rate Any Age $3.00 AquaFit Drop In 14 + $10.00 Lap Swim $3.00 WEEKLY PASS 5 -Day Family** $120.00 **NOTE: A family is defined as a maximum 2 adults and maximum 3 youth/children residing permanently at the same household.Fee for each additional family member residing permanently in that same household (any age) is $3.00 each day and $10.00 each week.SEASON PASSES CATEGORY COST Family Season** $250.00 Adult Season $125.00 Youth Season $100.00 Child Season $75.00 Senior Season $75.00 **NOTE: A family is defined as maximum 2 adults and maximum 3 youth/children residing permanently at the same household. Fee for each additional family member residing permanently in that same household (any age) is $30.00 per season.