
LaRiviere, located in the beautiful Pembina Valley, boasts a variety of business and recreational opportunities, within the convenience and comfort of a small town.
Travelers have enjoyed the many experiences offered at LaRivere since the early 1900's.
For decades, ski trains brought ski enthusiasts to the oldest ski resort in Manitoba. Skiers from many destinations continue to enjoy the downhill and cross-country trails still offered at the modern Holiday Mountain Resort.
Hunters and photographers alike stalk their prey in the Pembina valley with its abundance of wildlife. Travelers can have their photo taken at the Wild Turkey statue, built to commemorate the community's centennial in 1986.
LaRiviere is not only a haven in the winter with miles of groomed trails for the snowmobile buff, but hikers, bikers and canoeist alike find the hills and winding Pembina River a challenge in the summer.
As an LUD, La Riviere is over-seen by a committee consisting of:
- a councillor of the Municipality appointed by the municipal council;
- not more than three elected members of the local urban district.
Committee members are elected for four-year term and responsible for;
- preparing an annual budget for the community and referring it to the Municipal Counil
- ensuring that activities outlined in the budget are carried out
- dealing with citizens concerns
- holding at least one community meeting each year.
Current LUD Committee members are:
Debbie Booker
Charlene Currie
Kim Wiklund
Cindy Hunter (Municipal Councillor)